Frequently Asked Questions Christmas Day Dinner

When and where does the Christmas Day Dinner take place?
The dinner takes place on Christmas Day, December 25th, from 11:00 noon-2:00 PM in the St. John Missionary Baptist Church – Banquet Hall located 405 E. 4th Street, Alton, Illinois 62002.

Who attends the Christmas Day Dinner? How are guests invited?
Invitations are extended to the community’s most needy individuals and families through Alton Riverbend Area. However, everyone is welcome to come and eat.

Who runs the Christmas Day Dinner?
The event is sponsored SJMBC and the community – all aspects of the event are provided free of charge to guests thanks to the support of businesses, organizations, individuals and volunteers who donate whatever is needed to continue this Christmas tradition.

What type of volunteers is needed?
Everyone’s help makes a difference.
• Although we get a great pool of volunteers from our congregation. At times we are in need of individuals to make this event a success.
• There are various volunteer opportunities both big and small which need to be filled before the event, as well as on the day of the event.

What percentage of donations go towards the Christmas Day Dinner?
100% of the items donated are used to support the success of the dinner. Donations are tax deductible when receipt for purchase is provided.

How should volunteers dress for the Dinner?
Please wear clothing that’s appropriate for your volunteer function. But feel free to be festive!